Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Poetry pamphlet: Hypatia's Loss

My first pamphlet, Hypatia's Loss, was published as a free ebook by Tamafyhr Mountain Press in 2006. Download link here.

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Poetry from Strata Florida (anthology) (video)

On Youtube

Poem: Seven Cities (video)

Poem: Walt Whitman's breakfast menu (video)

Poem: Dover Beach revisited (video)

Poem: High Noon in the High Street (video)

On YouTube

Poem: Dark prism (video)

Reading on YouTube

Two haiku in Wales Haiku Journal

Poem: Place names of Kent

Poem: Dead water, Oxwich Bay

"Dead Water, Oxwich Bay" on the Places of Poetry website.

Poem: Nocturne

Poem: The North Ship revisited


Poem: A Dickensian Christmas

Podcast series: Wandering man

A sort-of-psychogeographical series, storytelling as I tour a landscape.

Poem: A Monmouthshire hedgerow (Wonastow, January)

Poem: Ghostwalk

Reflection on Hiroshi Matsuoka's "Alone in a Train Car"

My short Reflection on Hiroshi Matsuoka's "Alone in a Train Car", was published in Haibun Today ,12 (3) (2018) s

Poem: St Ninian's Cave

My poem St Ninian’s Cave has been published on Writing at the Beach Hut website.

Poem: June

My poem written in June 2018 after the death of Jo Cox was published by I am not a silent poet.

Book review: Clive James "Sentenced to Life"

My review of Clive James' poetry collection Sentenced to Life was published by Wales Arts Review.

Short story "Prey"

My short-short story / flash fiction "Prey" has been publsihed by the new online journal ASP Literary Journal #1. Link here