Sunday, 15 August 2021

Poem: Youth

Spring lamps jump for joy 
heedless that their destiny 
is to become sheep

Poem: Apology

Sorry I can't help you now 
Sorry I can't help you 
Sorry I can't help 
Sorry I can't 
Sorry I 

Poem: Welsh Industry

3rd prize for Six Couplets on the theme: Welsh Industry (National Museum of Wales e-steddfod 2004) 

 Once the ports kept freighters full
Of iron and coal, slate and wool 
 Marinas occupy the docks 
With bistros and apartment blocks 

Where  a factory used to stamp and rage 
Now there's an annual car-rally stage 
 Railway tracks grow dull with rust 
The rotting trucks are filled with dust 

 Hands fall idle for want of tasks 
'What of Welsh industry?' someone asks 
 The answer is becoming clear: 
It would be a good idea.

Saturday, 10 July 2021

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Poetry pamphlet: Hypatia's Loss

My first pamphlet, Hypatia's Loss, was published as a free ebook by Tamafyhr Mountain Press in 2006. Download link here.

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Poetry from Strata Florida (anthology) (video)

On Youtube

Poem: Seven Cities (video)

Poem: Walt Whitman's breakfast menu (video)

Poem: Dover Beach revisited (video)

Poem: High Noon in the High Street (video)

On YouTube

Poem: Dark prism (video)

Reading on YouTube

Two haiku in Wales Haiku Journal

Poem: Place names of Kent

Poem: Dead water, Oxwich Bay

"Dead Water, Oxwich Bay" on the Places of Poetry website.

Poem: Nocturne

Poem: The North Ship revisited


Poem: A Dickensian Christmas

Podcast series: Wandering man

A sort-of-psychogeographical series, storytelling as I tour a landscape.

Poem: A Monmouthshire hedgerow (Wonastow, January)

Poem: Ghostwalk

Reflection on Hiroshi Matsuoka's "Alone in a Train Car"

My short Reflection on Hiroshi Matsuoka's "Alone in a Train Car", was published in Haibun Today ,12 (3) (2018) s

Poem: St Ninian's Cave

My poem St Ninian’s Cave has been published on Writing at the Beach Hut website.

Poem: June

My poem written in June 2018 after the death of Jo Cox was published by I am not a silent poet.

Book review: Clive James "Sentenced to Life"

My review of Clive James' poetry collection Sentenced to Life was published by Wales Arts Review.

Short story "Prey"

My short-short story / flash fiction "Prey" has been publsihed by the new online journal ASP Literary Journal #1. Link here